Coaching Website: How to Write Your About Me Page
Not sure what to write on the about me page of your coaching website?
I'll be walking you through how to write an about me page in a way that gets you clients!
I don't believe in some perfect way to write an about me page. And when you're looking online at different websites to check out different styles, it can be really confusing because there are a lot of options.
What I do suggest is writing your about me page in a way that resonates with your potential clients, highlights the problem that you can help them solve all while talking about yourself.
Before we dive in about how to write your about me page for your coaching website, I would love to hear from you! Where are you at in the process of writing your about me page? Are you in the phase of researching and getting ready to write it? Or have you already written one, but you're not really sure about what you've written so far? Comment below and let me know.
Writing an About Me Page Is Tricky.
And it can really help to have a little bit of guidance. So today I'll be sharing a journey story framework that you can use to help write your about me page.
Write this in the first section of your about me page.
You're a coach. So you help people solve a specific problem and get a specific outcome. So, first on your about me page, I would open with the different challenges and the struggles that you went through or experiences and scenarios that you've watched yourself and didn't like how it went all as it pertains to the coaching services that you provide. For example, in my videos and on my own about page, I share my story about how my life coaching business for moms failed.
I had spent somewhere around $7,000 on my life coach training. Spent even more to learn about branding, even more to get a website built and then even more to enroll in some marketing courses. So for my about me page, all of those things are great examples of real struggles and challenges that I was having at one time that relates to my potential clients.
Write this in the second section of your about me page.
For the next part of your story journey, you can move into talking about what you did to overcome the challenges for yourself, or how you helped someone else through those challenges.
Did you take additional training? Did you have some kind of transformation? Did you help someone else through a transformation? Or even did you find a new method for doing something that makes it easier?
I'll continue with my story journey for an example. So after spending all of that money and having my coaching business flop, I had to pivot my business and started helping other coaches with their digital marketing. So things like landing pages, creating email marketing campaigns, newsletters, that sort of thing, doing that work.
My calendar was fully booked within just two months. So really fast. So about a year into that, I really wanted to understand what it was that I was doing so right in this example, that I could be successful with this business that I didn't do in my life coaching for mom's business.
So I compared both businesses, the marketing activities that I was doing, the things that actually got me clients and compared the two to see what was the difference.
And that helped me realize that one of my main problems for why the life coaching for moms business didn't work was because of my messaging. I wasn't offering moms an important enough reason to want to work with me.
So here, in this example, I experienced the transformation on my own from having a coaching business that failed to having a business that was successful. And through reviewing those businesses side by side, I could see the mistake that I'd made, and I knew that I could use that knowledge to help other coaches find a profitable message and market.
Complete your about me page with this.
Now to complete your story journey, you can talk about what life is like for you after you've experienced that outcome or transformation or why that particular work is so important to you. So to close the story journey with my example, here's what I would say. I help newer life coaches find a profitable message and market so their coaching business can be successful and they don't have to experience the challenges like I did such as forking over thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of my time, just to have my business fail.
For my personal story journey, it is less about what my life is like after I experience a transformation and it's more about why it's so important to me, which is that if you have spent thousands of dollars and your time, and you've invested in yourself to go get life coach training and you want to have a life coach training business that's successful and profitable, I want that for you too.
And I want to shortcut any way that I can to help you get started in the right direction so that you can grow and enjoy and have that career that you have always dreamed of in coaching. So when you write your about me page in this way, it takes the reader on a journey.
The goal is to get them to see themselves in your story, in your challenges, and then get them to conclude that, hey, if that person made it through and was able to achieve this outcome, maybe I can too.
Then after you've told your journey story, if you want to include some personal details, like where you got your training or personal details about your life and your family, that's a great place to do it. I just don't suggest starting your about me page all about training and personal information that doesn't relate to your client because it's going to be less interesting for them.
Oh, one more thing to add to your about me page!
Don't forget to add a call to action here. If a potential client reads your about me page, and they're thinking, gosh, this person's been through something so similar. I think they can really help me.
You've got to let them know what you want them to do next. So be sure to add a call to action button or even text that says, email me here so that your potential clients know how to take the next step with you.
If you want to see how I wrote my about me page with this journey story style, you can check that out here. And another great example of an about me page with this journey style story is Marie Forleo’s. She does a great job telling her story in a way that's relevant to her readers while finishing it off with this vibe of like, yes, if she can do it, I totally can do. You can check that out here.
Next step: Write a first draft, then ask these 3 questions.
The next step for you here is to write a draft of your about me page. Then once you do that, I want you to ask these three questions.
1) Does your about me page highlight the struggles and challenges that your ideal client has?
2) Does your about me page highlight what you did to overcome those challenges?
3) Does your about me page talk about what life is like for you after the transformation or why it's so important for you to be helping people with that transformation or specific outcome?
You don’t need it to be perfect!
I want you to remember something. There's no perfect about me page format. So you don't have to follow this framework exactly or worry about getting it wrong. Feel free to just use it as a guide to help you get started so that you can write your about me page in a way that helps you get clients.
Now, I do have a little bit of a warning for an about me page. It will be more challenging to write if you don't yet know what your coaching solution is, what your message is or who your target market is. But I've got a little something that can help you with that. Click here to download my free guide, 7 Steps To Guarantee a Profitable Message and Market.
Taking the time to figure out the outcome you help people achieve and who you help achieve that outcome will make everything easier in growing your coaching business, including your about page.
And before you go, if you are still working on your homepage or getting ready to work on your homepage, or you don't like what's on your homepage, you can check out what to write on your home page as a life coach.
Do you need more guidance on how to creating a message that sells for your life coaching business? Click below to download my free guide 7 STEPS TO GUARANTEE A PROFITABLE MESSAGE & MARKET.
Feel confident when you introduce yourself to people as a coach.
Know exactly what to put on your website so clients want to work with you.
Uncover a profitable target market you love to work with.
Figure out what to charge your first or next client.
Learn how to work through the fear of putting yourself out there and marketing.