Life coach website: Write THIS on your home page
Not sure what to put on your homepage?
Today, I’m sharing the four most important things to put on your homepage as a life coach.
My first coaching business failed, but my second business was fully booked within two months. So I'm excited to share what I learned with you so you can have a successful coaching business the first time. So let's dive in.
#1 As a life coach, the first thing you want your website visitors to know is how you can help them.
What specific problem can you help them solve? I suggest taking your coaching solution, getting it as clear, as concise, as sellable as possible and using that as the header on your homepage.
But here's the tricky part to this.
You might not yet know what your coaching solution is. It's going to take practice. And if you're still in that space of really trying to figure it out, after this video, you can check out my other video, how to stand out as a life coach to get more clients and it goes into detail about how you can uncover a coaching solution for yourself.
#2 Use your ideal client’s words on your homepage to describe their problem in more detail.
Once you have your potential clients on your website, they're interested and they're attracted because they're experiencing the problem that you help solve. Then you want to make sure you use their words on your homepage that describes their problem in more detail. One tendency we have as coaches writing for our homepage is to talk about things like empowerment or our own, the details about our own personal journey, or sometimes a lot about the training that we have as coaches, but your homepage is not the best place for that.
It's really important to take the time to figure out how your potential clients talk about this problem. And then you can include it as a simple paragraph below your header. This will make your clients see that you really get them, and it makes you look like a mind reader when your potential clients think you get them. That helps build trust, and it helps them want to take the next step to working with you.
And since we're talking about websites, comment below, and let me know where you're at with your life coaching website? Are you:
A: just starting to think about it and research it.
B: you've set up your own website, but you're either confused about what to write on it or you've written something and you don't really like it.
C: you hired a firm to create your website for you, or
D: something else
Let me know in the comments below.
#3 The next thing you want to include on your homepage is testimonials from happy clients.
Now here's the secret to testimonials. There are strong ones and there are weak ones. You want strong ones. So, to show the difference, here's an example of a weak testimonial. If you used my business, as an example, “Nikki was so helpful. She's really great at listening and really helped me through. She's great at holding space for people while they're working on their life coaching business”.
So this is a nice testimonial, very kind words, but it's weak. Am I in the business of providing listening services? Although that's certainly a big part of my work, it's not the main thing and holding space for the work and people's dreams is definitely a part of my business too. But really my work is about helping coaches uncover their profitable target market. So that's what I want my testimonials to highlight.
So here's an example of a strong testimonial. “Nikki helped me find a profitable target market for my coaching business. I've been able to get my first clients through her process. Plus we finished my website copy. I feel so much more confident about who I'm here to serve and that they're willing to pay for my services.”
So that kind of testimonial directly matches and supports the work that I do. And the problem I help coaches solve. Now, here's the challenge. You might not have these kinds of strong testimonials quite yet. If you are in the space where you're practicing or still trying to uncover your coaching solution, you might not have worked with enough people yet to collect these kinds of testimonials.
It's something that will come over time. So for now, you can exclude them, use what you do have and come back and update them with strong testimonials that support your coaching solution later on.
#4 Give them a path to follow to work with you.
Now that your website reinforces that you can help them solve their problem, that you are the one who totally gets the details of the problem they're having and you've demonstrated authority and credibility through your strong testimonials. Next, you want to give them a path to follow to work with you.
You'll do this by adding a CTA or a call to action to your website. This call to action can be a link in text, a button, or even just instructions like email me here so they know what to do next. But you are not just going to put this call to action in one place on your homepage. I suggest putting the call to action on at least three different places on your homepage.
Some great examples could be right below your header in or under the paragraph where you go into more detail about the problem you help solve. And then again, after the testimonials, you want to make it crystal clear what next step you want your website visitors, your potential clients to take next.
Now, if you're not sure what next step you want them to take. First, I suggest picking something that's really easy and doesn't require a lot of setup on your end. So this could be a link to your scheduling system like Calendly or Acuity, or a link to your email address to invite them to chat, or maybe eventually a link to join your free Facebook community or wherever you hang out online.
You really just want it to be so clear at the next step they should take. It should be like all signs are pointing for me to do this next thing.
So let's recap the four most important things you want on the homepage for your life coaching website.
the problem you solve
some additional details about the problem you solve using their words
strong testimonials that highlight and support your coaching solution
an easy path to follow to show your potential clients what you want them to do next
All of these tips will help you avoid fluff and using confusing language so that your website, your homepage can be a place that helps you get more clients.
Do you need more guidance on how to figure out what to write on your homepage? It's so much easier when you have a clear message and a defined target market.
Click on the link below to download my free guide, 7 STEPS TO GUARANTEE A PROFITABLE MESSAGE AND MARKET. It's specifically made for life coaches like you. And in this guide, I also share my secret messaging weapon so you can make sure you have a sellable message on your website that can help you grow your life coaching business.
Feel confident when you introduce yourself to people as a coach.
Know exactly what to put on your website so clients want to work with you.
Uncover a profitable target market you love to work with.
Figure out what to charge your first or next client.
Learn how to work through the fear of putting yourself out there and marketing.