You’ve finished your coach training and now it’s time to really launch your business, buttttttt…

When you introduce yourself to people as a coach, you don’t feel confident. The people you talk to might nod and smile and compliment your career choice, but their eyes glaze over and they don’t really get what you do. 

Then there’s the thinking non-stop about your website. You know you need one (maybe even started it on your own), but you’re stuck on what to write that will bring in paying clients.  Why is this so confusing, anyway?!

Of course, the practice clients have been nice to get some coaching experience, but they’re not really the people you want to be coaching. And yikes, if you don’t get some more practice or paying clients soon, will you lose your new coaching skills?

Plus, how exactly do you figure out where to find great clients who can afford your services?

When you’ve been brave enough to post on social media about your work, all you hear is crickets - it’s not bringing in any clients.

And I’m sorry, did someone say the “M” word that literally makes your throat tighten up as you read this? That’s right, MARKETING. This is your first time as an entrepreneur and at this point, putting yourself out there to market your business is downright terrifying! 

If your head is bobbing up and down because you can totally relate, then you’re probably rattling these around in your head too:

  • You get confused trying to niche down or choose a target market.  What if you pick the wrong one or there aren’t enough people in your niche?

  • You have some ideas of who you want to coach and maybe even outline a coaching program for them, but you don’t know where to find them.

  • You worry about finding clients who can afford your services. How can you make sure people are willing to pay you?

  • You have a target market in mind, but haven’t been able to get clients from that target market yet.

  • You’re excited to finally get a paying client, but omygosh, once you do - you’re freaked out about how much to charge them.

  • Or, you have gotten a paying client. GO YOU! But, now you’d like to increase your prices and aren’t sure how.

That’s why I created The Get Coaching Clients Program.

You didn’t just spend all that time and money on your coaching training to wind up confused, not making the money you deserve and I’m just gonna say it: STUCK. Feeling overwhelmed about where to find clients and what to do next to market your coaching business is holding you back.

in the get coaching clients PROGRAM, YOU WILL:

  • Feel confident when you introduce yourself to people as a coach and be so clear with your message that those people will totally GET what you do (and oh yeah, then want to introduce you to possible clients).

  • Know exactly what to put on your website so potential clients know right away how you can help them and invite them into your world. 

  • Uncover a profitable target market that you love to work with.

  • Find out what kind of coaching services your target market is willing to invest in, so you can make a coaching package offer that matches.

  • Build confidence that you have the coaching skills you need to help your target market.

  • Figure out what to charge your first client, or how much to increase your pricing to for your next paying client.

  • Feel unstoppable with your new coaching business - go from ‘hoping it will work out’ to validating your market and message so you KNOW you have a profitable message and market for your coaching business.

  • Learn how to feel more confident about marketing and work through the fear of putting yourself out there (and how to use this skill over and over with each new phase of business growth).

HERE’S HOW we can work together

Private 1:1 Sessions

  1. You schedule a free call so I can learn more about your business and goals.

  2. Once you sign up, I send your first lesson via email so you can get started right away with learning how to get clients.

  3. We meet twice a month (you’ll schedule yourself on my calendar; current openings are Mondays & Wednesdays generally between 10am-3pm PST) for strategy and coaching for areas you get stuck on with the lessons. Our sessions can be strategy, mindset, fear, or anything else you need to work through.

  4. You work at your own pace but you’ll never have to wait for me in between calls to be doing the work to grow your coaching business.


I created this program after I failed, then succeeded, then helped other coaches get more clients too.

In 2016, I finished life coach training with Martha Beck Inc. and I was excited to get out there and HELP PEOPLE. Full of enthusiasm and confidence, I got my first few paying clients.

With the first paying client, I literally fell to my knees crying. I was so grateful and proud of myself for becoming a life coach and I had just proven that I really could help people for a living and get paid for it.

And then, I had a long dry spell. No new clients. And it was WAY tougher than I had imagined to get more. I had some followers, but for some reason, they would never quite make it from being a follower to actually becoming a PAYING client. It was disheartening. But worse, my husband started to question me about getting a “real job”.

Very quickly, I ran out of money. I had a decision to make. Find something that sells. Or go back to a corporate job.

***Heavy sigh.***

I had to try something new. And with my second attempt at business, I was fully booked within just a few weeks.

Woah. What was the difference? Why did my first attempt fail and the second one succeed so quickly? And why were some of my coach colleagues also struggling to find paying clients?

Well, I spent a few weeks backtracking everything I’d done for both businesses and quickly realized the difference. The reason the second attempt in business worked so well was because I had these elements from the very beginning:

  • An existing community of contacts in my target market (I also had this in my first target market, but was missing the next two).

  • A very hot target market who was totally willing to pay for my services (my first target market was lukewarm, and definitely not hot for the service I was offering. Oops).

  • A clear and compelling message that made it very easy for my clients to understand how I could help them (and it was a message they wanted to buy up like hotcakes!).

  • Confidence that I could help people. (In my first target market, I felt mediocre at best with my coaching skills. Yikes).

Since then, I’m typically at 80%-100% of capacity in my business. And, I’ve helped coaches just like you find a hot target market who’s willing to pay for your services, clarify your message so you have a strong brand and a message that sells, and gain the confidence you need to help the people you were meant to serve.



Nikki has blended her exceptional skillset to build mass momentum in my business by helping me to rebuild my foundational pieces with better messaging, greater niche focus, and meaningful programs to reach and attract more prospective clients.

Since beginning our work together, I’ve developed a reproducible digital group program with an additional 15 clients as well as 6 new private coaching clients. Finally, I have a clear direction and am excited about my health coaching practice.
— Kristen Tinker, Health Coach

Yeah, but are you sure this will work for me?

Oh, I’m sure. Finding a profitable market and message that you feel confident in is the most important foundation for your life coaching business. When you don’t have a clear focus on who your coaching is for, you end up trying to coach everyone. And while that sounds notable, it makes for terrible marketing. And if you’re getting hung up on the fear of putting yourself out there, well, you’ll need to work through that so you can grow your business.

My process is proven to help newer life coaches like you get laser focused on who you were meant to serve, build confidence that you can serve them well, and make sure you’ve found a market that’s easy to find clients in.

Once you uncover your profitable message and market, it makes everything else easier in your business. Oh, just a few things like…

  • You can launch and grow your coaching business FASTER because you’ll be laser focused on who you serve.

  • You can ditch the “I should be further along by now” shame because you’ll make such momentum and finally feel confident in the direction you’re headed in.

  • You’ll get rid of the constant second guessing if you’re choosing the right target market - and continuous flip flopping once you’ve made up your mind - again.  Seriously, do you know how much mental energy that’s costing you?!

  • Have the confidence you need to pitch yourself and your services (talk about putting yourself out there!).

  • No more confusing answers to the ‘what do you do’ question - when friends and family ask about how your coaching business is going.  You can confidently talk about your profitable message and market instead of avoiding eye contact with them because you’re in the same place with your business that you were last time.

You’ve spent months (possibly years!) learning how to be a life coach. Now, it’s time to find your profitable message and market! 

Thanks to you, I’m so clear on all the pieces I need to grow my business.
— Jennifer Shryock, Career Coach

This program is for you, if any of these resonate…

  • You’ve finished (or are almost finished) with your coach training and are in the early phases of starting your business. You’ve had some practice clients.

  • You want to explore a niche or two, but you just haven’t been able to figure yours out yet.

  • You get confused by your “I help (group of people) solve this problem” one liner statement.

  • You want to introduce yourself confidently as a coach (no more avoiding eye contact or avoiding talking about what you do!).

  • You’re posting on social media, but it’s not generating any clients.

  • You’re terrified of posting on social media and don’t want to be on social media, but you think that will prevent your business from growing.

  • You daydream about making cool Instagram or Facebook videos or posting amazing blogs, but you can’t seem to get from thinking about it to actually doing it.

  • You want to show your spouse or family that you have what it takes to get this coaching business off the ground.

  • You want to create a membership, group coaching, or online course in the future.

  • You dream of a fully booked coaching practice but are having trouble gaining momentum.

This program isn’t for you, if…

  • You’re not willing to test out different niches on actual people.

  • You’re looking for a get rich quick kind of thing.  Finding a profitable message and market for YOU is work and takes time.

  • You’re already making great money and it’s easy for you to get clients.

You can finally stop feeling wishy washy about the direction of your coaching business and be ready to take the next steps to get fully booked. No more wondering if the target market is right for you, you’ll know! And then you have the choice to keep it, or move on to another one. No more wasting time. 

When you’ve finished this program, you’ll have a marketing message and market guaranteed to be profitable! You can finalize your website copy, and have the foundation you need to create social media content that gets clients, create coaching programs and workshops, create a sales path for potential clients and generate more leads to create the coaching business of your dreams.



How can I be sure this is a good investment for me?

If you are a newer coach, or a coach that has been trying to grow your business for a while now but it’s just not taking off, this will be an AMAZING investment for you. 

This program will give you the confidence and clarity you need to move forward in your business.  Once you have a proven target market and feel confident that you can serve them well, growing your coaching business becomes faster and easier! And that, my friend, is a damn good investment. 

I know how scary it is to invest in your business when you’re not making any or much money yet. That’s why I make it very easy for you try out the program at a minimum level of commitment, so you’re in control of how much you spend and you’re not locked in to some $10,000 program that doesn’t get the results you need.

Plus, I stand behind my work with a killer guarantee…

The Get Clients Guarantee

When you sign up for the Get Coaching Clients Program, you will learn how to get clients as a coach. I guarantee that if you work through the full program and follow your personalized action plan, you will get you clients. If you don’t, I will coach you for FREE until you do. You will get clients from this program. Guaranteed.

Have questions? Contact Me here and send me a quick message!